I have chosen this name for this blog because it truly states my story. I am a type II diabetic who most certainly enjoys food. When I was diagnosed with diabetes several years ago, my blood sugar level was over 400. With some oral medications, a lot of research and some trial and error, I have found that unlike my ancestors I truly can continue to enjoy food. I hope this blog will help you to also enjoy food and be healthy. Some recipes are my originals and some I have collected. Everyone reacts different to various foods. Check your blood sugar readings so you will know whether or not a recipe works for you! And feel free to take a recipe and adjust it to suit your needs.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Do you remember your parents telling you to clean your plate? Were you told to be thankful for your food and not waste it because kids all over the world were going hungry? Those old adages need to be thrown out the window! With the obesity epidemic and diabetes being at epidemic levels, you should teach your children to take smaller portions of food and to stop eating when they feel full. Children used to be busy from the time they got up until they went to bed. They rode bikes, took walks with grandparents, played in the backyard on swing sets, played neighborhood games of stickball and baseball, etc. Now they sit in front of a TV or video game. Too much food on their plates and being forced to eat every bite could be setting them up for a lifetime of health problems.

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