I have chosen this name for this blog because it truly states my story. I am a type II diabetic who most certainly enjoys food. When I was diagnosed with diabetes several years ago, my blood sugar level was over 400. With some oral medications, a lot of research and some trial and error, I have found that unlike my ancestors I truly can continue to enjoy food. I hope this blog will help you to also enjoy food and be healthy. Some recipes are my originals and some I have collected. Everyone reacts different to various foods. Check your blood sugar readings so you will know whether or not a recipe works for you! And feel free to take a recipe and adjust it to suit your needs.

Saturday, September 21, 2024


1 cup dried pinto beans, washed, covered with water and soaked at least 2 hours (preferably overnight)
5 cups cold water
1/2 tsp salt
3 slices bacon, diced
1/2 cup chopped yellow onion
1 garlic clove, minced
1 large ripe tomato, peeled, seeded, diced
3 1/2 cups low-fat chicken broth
1 tsp Tabasco sauce
2 tbsp uncooked whole-wheat elbow macaroni
1/4 cup chopped cilantro

Drain beans and rinse in a colander under running water; place in a Dutch oven.

Add the cold water and salt to the beans and heat to boiling; lower heat, cover and simmer for 2-3 hours until beans are tender.

Combine 1 cup of the cooked beans with 1 cup of their liquid in a blender container or a food processor; process until smooth and set aside.

Cook bacon in a skillet over medium heat until crispy. Drain off drippings, reserving 1 tablespoon.

Add the onion and garlic to the bacon and reserved drippings and sauté until tender; add the tomato and cook another minute. Transfer mixture to the Dutch oven with the remaining beans and liquid. Add the chicken broth and Tabasco sauce; bring to a boil

Add the macaroni to the Dutch oven; turn down the heat to a slow boil and cook 7 to 10 minutes until macaroni is tender.

Add the cilantro just before serving.

Yield: 8 servings
file photo

Personal Note: Please do not ask me if I know beans are carbs. First, I only count carbs in relation to protein. Second, beans are also protein. Third, beans are one of the best tools in my blood sugar fighting arsenal. Fourth, there are bad carbs and good carbs. Everyone including diabetics need good carbs and that includes beans. 

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