Saturday, July 10, 2021


Note: This is a repost of a previous Fall post.

"Healthy" shakes or smoothies seem to be a popular item these days. But diabetics beware! The sugar content is often explosive. This week my grandson came in with a couple of drinks from this very popular "healthy" smoothie place down the street. He offered me one, I read the sugar content and refused it. I did taste it as it was the new pumpkin spice for Fall. The next morning by blood sugar reading had jumped 50 points and I only had a couple of sips! If you want to get on the bandwagon, here is a recipe you might try. Personally, I would add some protein powder to improve the carb to protein ratio. This recipe was given to me as a "healthy" drink but I won't be using it.

1/2 banana
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 cup frozen mixed berries
1 handful baby spinach
1/4 cup toasted almonds

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

Yield: 1 serving

Calories: 388, protein 11 grams, carbs 45 grams, fat 21 grams (some healthy fat from the almonds), 171 mg sodium
 File Photo

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